NW Indiana Prepares 2020 is FREE to attend!
September is Preparedness Month.
Mark your calendar now and invite your friends and family to attend with you.
NW Indiana Prepares 2020 is FREE to attend! Fun and informative for the whole family.
A great variety of preparedness and sustainable living vendors and educational presentations are planned. There will be hands-on skill-building opportunities and exhibits.
Chef Tom, from The Gary Sportsmen Club, will offer specially prepared meals for purchase.
To date, the following presentations and demonstrations have been confirmed. Check back frequently as more will be added soon.
Aquaponics / Hydroponics at home
Backyard Farming: Rabbits and Chickens
Bug-out / Get-home bags
Cleaning Cabinet Makeover
Colloidal Silver Usage
Emergency Communications
Friction Fire Starting
Herbs ‘Gods’ Pharmacy
Homemade Nutritious MRE style meals
Knife Sharpening
Military Surplus
Medical Freedoms
Medicine Cabinet Makeover
Pros and Cons of Survival Food
Shotgun Basics For Home Defense
Trapping and Snaring your dinner
Everything you need & want to know to become prepared for natural or man-made disasters, pandemics and other emergency issues that could affect our daily lives in the Midwest.
This family-friendly event is meant for everyone, from those with little experience to the most experienced ‘preppers,’ and everyone in-between.
Prepping is NOT just for doomsday, it’s for EVERY day! Being prepared with extra food, the tools to purify your own water, and the means to protect yourself from criminals is plain common sense.
Everyone attending can gain the peace of mind that comes from learning skills to be prepared for an inconvenient short term disruption of power or any larger emergency that may occur.